


For many years in therapy I would feel worried that I was “getting worse” when triggers or setbacks would arise. It’s hard when you are dealing with the complexity of trauma because it often feels like the world keeps moving but you are stuck in one place. I could be trying so many things to […]

Beginning, Creativity, Faith

Pay attention to the progress

I saw this quote online the other day “Art takes time – Monet grew his gardens before he painted them”. If you’re in church life I’m sure you’ve heard this sentiment in a simpler way “social media is a highlight reel” or “show your best and hide the rest” and sure that is part of […]

Beginning, Creativity

Grow Your Gardens

A friend of mine sent me the following quote (if you know the original author let me know) but it went something like “You are art: create yourself over and over.” If you’ve ever read the Bible the concept of God’s creation being art is a concept illustrated in Ephesians 2:10 where it says: “For […]

Creativity, Jesus

You are art