


I’m only realizing in the second half of my life that I’ve always loved myself. That feels kind of icky to read and admit but stay with me for a while. Growing up and for much of my teenage years I thought I had poor self esteem and self image. This manifested a lot of […]

Beginning, Mental Health

Love your shadows

I’m kind feel stuck inside an in-between season where I try to be grateful for where I have been able to get to thus far – while still keeping my eye on things that remain difficult in my life that I hope resolve. I’m grateful for the steps I’ve taken to remain secure in my […]

Beginning, Faith, Jesus

The Courage To Bloom

Most people that meet me tell me straight up that I’m a laid back – easy to get along with person – so it’s interesting to also do some self-reflection and acknowledge that I also struggle with peace. Isn’t it funny how people can see you as one thing and be surprised that that’s not […]

Beginning, Bible, Faith, Mental Health

Learning To Master Peace

A friend of mine sent me the following quote (if you know the original author let me know) but it went something like “You are art: create yourself over and over.” If you’ve ever read the Bible the concept of God’s creation being art is a concept illustrated in Ephesians 2:10 where it says: “For […]

Creativity, Jesus

You are art

I’ve REALLY struggled the last 3 weeks with things that have been happening to me. I’m talking unexpected bills, two thefts, an unexpected trip to the emergency vet, breaking one of my toes, and a stranger punching my car while I was in it. It feels like a lot because, well – it IS a […]

Community, Mental Health

The daily practice of letting go