


I’m only realizing in the second half of my life that I’ve always loved myself. That feels kind of icky to read and admit but stay with me for a while. Growing up and for much of my teenage years I thought I had poor self esteem and self image. This manifested a lot of […]

Beginning, Mental Health

Love your shadows

Most people that meet me tell me straight up that I’m a laid back – easy to get along with person – so it’s interesting to also do some self-reflection and acknowledge that I also struggle with peace. Isn’t it funny how people can see you as one thing and be surprised that that’s not […]

Beginning, Bible, Faith, Mental Health

Learning To Master Peace

I’ve REALLY struggled the last 3 weeks with things that have been happening to me. I’m talking unexpected bills, two thefts, an unexpected trip to the emergency vet, breaking one of my toes, and a stranger punching my car while I was in it. It feels like a lot because, well – it IS a […]

Community, Mental Health

The daily practice of letting go

Trigger warning – SA * * * * * So much of recovering from sexual assault is feeling uncomfortable in your own skin. Your body, your agency, your identity becomes sullied by another person. You don’t feel like you fully belong to yourself anymore. For the first few years I felt like my skin was […]

Beginning, Mental Health

But it will make you free

I’m not sure if this sounds super dramatic but I’ve felt suppressed for a long time. I can’t keep plants alive but I know there comes a time when a plant’s roots are growing and the only thing holding it back from growing more is the size of the container its in. I can make […]

Beginning, Community, Mental Health

Like a small plant rising 

Celebrating personal growth and becoming who you are meant to be