


Trigger warning – SA * * * * * So much of recovering from sexual assault is feeling uncomfortable in your own skin. Your body, your agency, your identity becomes sullied by another person. You don’t feel like you fully belong to yourself anymore. For the first few years I felt like my skin was […]

Beginning, Mental Health

But it will make you free

I’m not sure if this sounds super dramatic but I’ve felt suppressed for a long time. I can’t keep plants alive but I know there comes a time when a plant’s roots are growing and the only thing holding it back from growing more is the size of the container its in. I can make […]

Beginning, Community, Mental Health

Like a small plant rising 

Celebrating personal growth and becoming who you are meant to be

I published a podcast similar to this topic a while ago: here. But this is something that can come up at times for me still to this day. The desire to be fully healed according to my standards of healing so I don’t have to feel embarrassed that I’m still not over “it”. Have you […]

Beginning, Faith, Jesus, Mental Health

Be gentle with your healing

I’ve been thinking a lot about how stuck I still feel in the writing process despite the fact that I started consistently blogging in 2013. I don’t know if shame is necessarily the right word but I feel frustrated that I’m not further along. Writing has always been there for me to process difficult emotions […]

Beginning, Mental Health

You can do it again 

One of the hardest things I’ve faced in my healing journey is feeling like I have slowed down. There are days when I really want to keep pushing forward because I’m motivated to be more creative or there is a huge list of things I want to achieve and either I feel like I can’t […]

Beginning, Faith, Mental Health

Read this if you are moving slowly