


I’ve REALLY struggled the last 3 weeks with things that have been happening to me. I’m talking unexpected bills, two thefts, an unexpected trip to the emergency vet, breaking one of my toes, and a stranger punching my car while I was in it. It feels like a lot because, well – it IS a […]

Community, Mental Health

The daily practice of letting go

I’ve been thinking a lot about how stuck I still feel in the writing process despite the fact that I started consistently blogging in 2013. I don’t know if shame is necessarily the right word but I feel frustrated that I’m not further along. Writing has always been there for me to process difficult emotions […]

Beginning, Mental Health

You can do it again 

One of the hardest things I’ve faced in my healing journey is feeling like I have slowed down. There are days when I really want to keep pushing forward because I’m motivated to be more creative or there is a huge list of things I want to achieve and either I feel like I can’t […]

Beginning, Faith, Mental Health

Read this if you are moving slowly