


I published a podcast similar to this topic a while ago: here. But this is something that can come up at times for me still to this day. The desire to be fully healed according to my standards of healing so I don’t have to feel embarrassed that I’m still not over “it”. Have you […]

Beginning, Faith, Jesus, Mental Health

Be gentle with your healing

I’ve been thinking a lot about how stuck I still feel in the writing process despite the fact that I started consistently blogging in 2013. I don’t know if shame is necessarily the right word but I feel frustrated that I’m not further along. Writing has always been there for me to process difficult emotions […]

Beginning, Mental Health

You can do it again 

One of the hardest things I’ve faced in my healing journey is feeling like I have slowed down. There are days when I really want to keep pushing forward because I’m motivated to be more creative or there is a huge list of things I want to achieve and either I feel like I can’t […]

Beginning, Faith, Mental Health

Read this if you are moving slowly

Proverbs 31:25 NIV She is clothed with strength and dignity;    she can laugh at the days to come. The overarching theme in the second episode seems to be the struggle for power. Mary is committed to finding out why Shannon the previous “halo-bearer” died and is convinced it was an inside job. Lilith is upset that […]

Bible, Faith, Jesus

Warrior Nun: Season 1 Episode 2: “Proverbs 31:25”

Psalm 46:5 NIV 5 God is within her, she will not fall;    God will help her at break of day. When I saw an article trending about a formerly cancelled Netflix show being brought back by fans petitioning I was curious to see what this show was. Warrior Nun was not on my watch list but I was out […]

Beginning, Bible, Faith

Warrior Nun: Season 1 Episode 1: “Psalm 46:5”